unfaithful babe

Pridružio: 28 Jun 2007
Poruke: 1378
Lokacija: Kanada
Poslao: Uto Jul 07, 2009 12:53 pm
Achim, it cannot even be described by words, I will fill you in as soon as possible as i am speechless still...I am not much in front of a computer these days as I am spending time with friends in Novi Sad, but I will write about the gig in Zrenjanin, I promise.
p.s. I cried this morning like a baby when I read my friend's report on the concert, as it filled me with all kinds of emotions...I will tell you more about it later. Thank you for your curiosity!  _________________ *Ko zna glasove misli, retko kada se oglasi glasom govora.
Ljudi se poštuju rečima, a vole ćutanjem.*
unfaithful babe

Pridružio: 28 Jun 2007
Poruke: 1378
Lokacija: Kanada
Poslao: Ned Avg 02, 2009 12:43 am
Just for you Achim…and all of our international friends who come our way, here is a promised report on one of the best concerts ever.
What to say? After a concert like that all you can be is speechless. I will try, however, to describe what really can’t be described by words. You have to be there to understand what I am talking about. The very first moment the sound comes out of the keyboard, the first drum beat, the first words out of a microphone, and this amazing wave of happiness covers the entire audience. You can see the smiles and excitement on everyone’s face. You can see the happiness in all of us. Check out the following links for some pics:
Two bands were opening, first was Kvazar, an interesting band from the host town Zrenjanin ( http://www.myspace.com/kvazarzr ) , and after that EON, a band from Belgrade, whose album is just coming out these days (Neverne Bebe production ) ( you can check them out here http://www.myspace.com/bandeon they are great!). But the main spectacle came after. I am not exaggerating when I say that it was pure perfection! Everything…from their fantastic performance to all of the warm smiles and hugs from dear people, the looks, the whispers, the moments to treasure…all of that filled with the greatest live music you can imagine. If there had been a roof, I am sure the energy and emotions would have gone straight through it. Since I don’t have an opportunity (due to location) to attend their concerts often, it is all the more intensive experience for me. Jelena started with a wonderful song “Lica” (according to me, she was born to perform this song!) and the audience went crazy. The atmosphere was just incredible the whole evening (or I should say Night as they played until 2:30 am) When the girls let their voices soar, everything else fades…Jana was sick that night and we were told she was only going to sing a few songs, but she surprised us all with the energy and persistence, she lasted the whole night, and some more…it was quite a spectacle. Kebac and his drum solo – no comment. Randja on guitar – simply a genius, his solos overwhelm you with emotion and the soul that he puts out for everyone to see…Milan and Vladan…I am always at a loss for words, but I have to Thank them from the bottom of my Heart for once again creating such a great show, always fresh, full of energy, full of emotions, original and unforgettable… “Godine Srama” was the highlight of course, I had goose bumps all over… later “Gde Smo”, “Ko Zna”, “Kraljica”…all great songs. For the first time I managed not to cry during “Ko Zna” and I was so proud of myself for that! Many more great songs came afterwards, “1000 godina”, “U Beznadju”, some unexpected ones “Moja Dunjo” and “Pravda”…the very popular “Da Ima Nas” and “Hajdemo Svi”, songs that everyone has to dance to when they hear the first sounds…and dance we did!!! There was a guy in the audience who danced all night in front of the stage, he was the main attraction I would say. This you had to see to believe it! We literally choked from laughter the whole night.
There was some special flame in the audience this night, a “flame of love” like one of the songs says. Because of this flame, the band returned to the stage three more times (at least) upon our excited shouts “We want more!” they just didn’t have the heart to turn us down…and so we witnessed a special kind of Magic on this beautiful night full of good vibrations: great Music, lots of Love, Friendship, and simply Happiness… What more could one wish for? In hopes to experience moments like these again some time soon…good bye and Love to all of You!  _________________ *Ko zna glasove misli, retko kada se oglasi glasom govora.
Ljudi se poštuju rečima, a vole ćutanjem.*
Nova Beba

Pridružio: 22 Jun 2009
Poruke: 16
Lokacija: Germany/UK
Poslao: Ned Avg 02, 2009 11:17 am
Wow, Mirjana!! What an impressive and also amazing review you wrote, my friend!! Absolutely awesome! It must have been a blast to be there and the concert was surely one of a kind! I wish I could have made it! The setlist is like a "best of" and its pretty clear that, whatever they would play, they couldnt go wrong, with such a back catalogue.
The pictures are marvellous as well! Fantastic shots! They definitely show how strong the bonds are between audience and band and the wonderful atmosphere that both created. Thank you so very much for sharing all this and for all the work you did in writing and typing all this down, dear. You're the best:) Hvala puno, Mirjana! _________________ Ovu noć ja ti sviram ...
unfaithful babe

Pridružio: 28 Jun 2007
Poruke: 1378
Lokacija: Kanada
Poslao: Ned Avg 02, 2009 6:47 pm
You are very welcome my friend. I will pray for you and hope that you get to see them live some time soon. Stay well!  _________________ *Ko zna glasove misli, retko kada se oglasi glasom govora.
Ljudi se poštuju rečima, a vole ćutanjem.*